Sunday, March 1, 2009
Saturday, February 28, 2009
TaZkiRaH haRi Ini

BeKaLan TaQwa, LeMaH LemBut PenGhiaS seGaLa seSuaTu
menulis "Dari Aisyah lah. a, dia berkata: Rasulullah saw pernah bersabda kepadaku:"Wahai aisyah, hendaklah engkau bertaqwa kepada Allah Azza Wajalla dan lemah lembut. Kerana lemah lembut itu sama sekali tidak berada pada seuatu melainkan menghiasinya, dan lemah lembut itu sama sekali tidak terlepas dari sesuatu melainkan ia memburukkannya"
(Isnadnya Hassan, ditakhrij At- Tarmizi)
Wasiat yang sangat bernilai ini merupakan salah satu dasar penting yang membantu dalam kehidupan orang mukmin di dunia. Dasar taqwa, hendaklah engkau menciptakan satu perlindungan antara dirimu dan yang engkau takuti agar dapat menjaga dirimu. Takwa wanita muslimah kepada Tuhannya, hendaklah menjaga dirinya dari dimurkai Allah dengan cara melaksanakan perintahNya.
"Dan berbekallah, sesungguhnya sebaik-baik bekal adalah takwa, dan bertakwalah kepadaKu hai orang2 yang berakal"
(al-Baqarah: 197)
Sifat2 orang yang bertaqwa:
1. Beriman kepada Allah
2. Beriman kepada Malaikat
3. Beriman kepada kitab2 samawi yang diturunkan di sisi Allah.
4. Beriman kepada Rasul
5. Beriman kepada hari akhirat
6. Mendirikan solat
7. Menunaikan zakat
8. Memberi harta yang dicintainya kepada kerabatnya, anak2 yatim, prang2 miskin, dll.
9. Sabar tatkala mendapat penderitaan, kesempitan dan tatkala perang.
10. Menepati janji
11. Benar dalam keimanannya kepada Allah
12. Mengagungkan syiar2 Allah swt.
13. Menginfakkan (membelanjakan) harta dalam keadaan lapang dan sempit.
14. Menahan rasa marah, memaafkan kesalahan orang lain
15. Beriman kepada hal-hal yang ghaib.
Berkat bersifat taqwa:
1. Mengambil manfaat dari al-Quran dan petunjuk yang terkandung di dalamnya.
2. Kedudukan yang tinggi di sisi Allah pada hari kiamat.
3. Memperolehi syurga dan apa yang terkandung di dalamnya
4. Mendapat kecintaan Allah
5. Mendapat perhatian dari Allah
6. Memperolehi kejayaan
7. Hilang rasa takut, sedih, dan mendapat khabar gembira di dunia dan akhirat
8. Terbuka pintu keberkatan dan nikmat dari langit dan bumi.
9. Mendapat apa yang boleh membezakan antara yang hak dan bathil.
10. Mendapat perlindungan Allah
11. Keselamatan dari neraka pada hari kiamat
12. Berkumpul bersama-sama utusan Allah yang terhormat.
13. Kesudahan yang baik.
14. Keampunan dosa.
15. Persahabatan yang menguntungkan pada hari kiamat.
16. Berada di suatu teman yang aman.
17. Kemuliaan di sisi Allah.
18. Mendapat tempat yang disenangi di syurga.
19. Mendapat rahmat, hidayah dan maghfirah dari Allah.
20. Keluar dari kekhuatiran dan kesempatan di dunia dan akhirat.
21. Segala urusan dipermudahkan, segala kesalahan ditutupi dan pahalanya dilpatgandakan.
22. Selamat dari tipu daya orang-orang yang dengki dan iri hati.
23. Amalannya diterima oleh Allah.
24. Diterima secara ramah dan baik oleh malaikat pada hari kiamat nanti.
lah-Rifq ertinya sikap lemah lembut, wajah berseri dan lapang dada. Lemah lembut memiliki satu kelebihan dari akhlak2 lain. Maka Allah memberi pujian yang baik kepada orang yang memiliki sifat lemah lembut di dunia dan pahala yang melimpah ruah di akhirat. Sifat lemah lembut mempercantik orangnya dan memperindah di mata manusia di sisi Allah.
Maka jadikanlah sifat lemah lembut sebagai perhiasan dirimu wahai muslimah, yang dapat engkau terapkan terhadap anak2, suami dan tetanggamu. Jadikanlah ia sebagai jalan kehidupanmu agar dapat mencapai apa yang engkau kehendaki.
Al-Asma' pernah berkata dalam syairnya:
"Tak pernah ku lihat kelemahlembutan, Seperti dalam kehalusannya, Dia keluarkan anak-anak perawan, Dari tempat pingitannya, Siapa minta pertolongan, Dalam menyelesaikan urusan, Diapun bisa mengeluarkan binatang, Dari tempat persembunyiannya."
(Rujukan: 50 wasiat Rasulullah SAW untuk wanita)
ThE StOry of WaiTing
They did not have much but what they possessed was enough for the two of them. The little baby grew into a toddler and very soon reached adolescent age. They spend many happy hours together, mother and son in the woods, living off the land without a lot of want in life.
There lived an old lady in the woods by the lakeside in a small but homely cottage. Her husband passed away many years earlier and she stood alone bringing her only child, a son, up in this humble surroundings.
They did not have much but what they possessed was enough for the two of them. The little baby grew into a toddler and very soon reached adolescent age. They spend many happy hours together, mother and son in the woods, living off the land without a lot of want in life.
Then the fateful day had to come when the young boy wanted to see the outside world. And this dream was further given a boost when the postman arrived one day from the nearby hamlet to deliver a letter from his maternal aunty for him to go visit her in that town.
The lady, now grey and stooped from all the years of toil and hardship, resisted giving him permission to go. But he pestered her relentlessly until she gave in, and he packed a humble set of belongings and wandered off towards the direction of the town, bidding his mother farewell.
She wanted to say something to him but never got a chance as he excitedly shot off after a brief farewell to her.
She stood by her door, a little dejected like a mother bird releasing her newborn to the wilds when it started to fly,. But then she held high hopes that he would return home after the stay with his aunt and she would get the chance to say it to him.
Two days went by but he did not return.
Then three days.
Then four days.
Then at the end of the fifth day, he called her to let her know that the aunt had found him a job as a grocer delivery boy and he would be staying there, and before she could say anything, he hung up.
Weeks turned to months.
The boy quickly matured into a healthy young man.
At the end of six months, he called his mother again to tell her that he would be moving to another town, even further away form the woods, to work in the foundry as the pay was more there. As before, before she could say anything, he had already hung up.
She waited patiently to speak to him again.
Then months turned to years.
And one day she received a call from her son, and it had been exactly two years away from home. He had called to tell her that he had found himself a nice homely girl and got engaged. And before she could say anything, he hung up.
The seasons came and go. She grew even older.
Then one unlucky day when she did not wear enough whilst out in the woods collecting edible mushrooms, the cold wind came from the north and took her health away.
She suffered from cold and got a fever. Very soon without medication and attention, and also too weak to tend to her illness, pneumonia set into her lungs. And her condition got from bad to worse until she was gasping for her breath within her humble cottage in the woods all alone.
Within her failing mind, she still remembered that she needed to tell her son one thing and without doing this, she was adamant not to pass away yet.
Two days later, a car pulled up in front of the cottage. Thinking that it was the postman again bearing a letter from her son, she weakly muttered to him to come in as the door was not locked, never been locked.
Then as the door opened, she saw the handsome silhoutte, now a matured man, of her son!
The sudden joy brought tears to her eyes and she forced herself the final attempt to get up from her bed in her trembling, weakened condition. With tears streaming down her cheeks, she smiled weakly at him as he walked towards her, with a happy smile and open arms. Behind him was, she gathered, the girl he spoke of whom he had married and who had given him a lovely baby daughter.
When he saw his mother, he cried out as he was stricken with sorrow to see her in that condition. He embraced her and held her in his strong arms, but it was his mother who said the first words.
"It is alright, my dear son. It is alright! I have you in my arms now. And I am very happy"
He cried as he quietly held her tight against him.
She continued, "It is ok, my dear, you are back again."
He managed to speak in a trembling voice, "Mama, why didn't you let me know? We could have come back to care for you."
She smiled, more tears rolling from her eyes, now twinkling with joy and comfort.
"It is okay, you are back in mama's arms now. And you are such a big boy now."
She saw his wife crying quietly behind him, pitying her plight and helpless as to what to do or say.
She turned to her and said, "It is quite alright, dear. All the mamas in the world loved their children no matter who they are, what they turn out to be or where they may be."
Then the old lady turned back to her son, still in a warm embrace with him, and softly spoke into his ear, "Mama loves you, dear."
He said, "Mama, I know that & I know that."
"Yes, dear, but Mama never had a chance to say that ever since you left me. And I had been waiting all these while to say that to you... that I will always love you."
"Each time time you call Mama, Mama wanted to say I love you to you but you always hang up before I had a chance to say that. But it is alright, I get to say that to you today."
"And Mama loves you, my dear."
Then she grew limp and passed away, eyes dried and smile lingering on her lips.
The message of the story is one must never take the love or the care of someone you love for granted before it is too late or it is lost from you. Appreciate those who care for you and love you, as well as friends who think of you and shows concern for you.What you have today : care, concern, love, friendship, understanding, trust&.all the good and nice feelings, in your life today may not be there tomorrow.

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The philoSopher's stoNe and the RiSe of aLcheMy

Many people were interested in finding a method that could convert cheaper metals into gold. The material that would help them do this was rumored to exist in what was called the philosopher's stone. This led to the protoscience called alchemy. Alchemy was practiced by many cultures throughout history and often contained a mixture of philosophy, mysticism, and protoscience.[citation needed]
Alchemy not only sought to turn base metals into gold, but especially in a Europe rocked by bubonic plague, there was hope that alchemy would lead to the development of medicines to improve people's health. The holy grail of this strain of alchemy was in the attempts made at finding the elixir of life, which promised eternal youth. Neither the elixir nor the philosopher's stone were ever found. Also, characteristic of alchemists was the belief that there was in the air an "ether" which breathed life into living things.[citation needed] Practitioners of alchemy included Isaac Newton, who remained one throughout his life.
ProBLeMs eNcountered with aLCheMy
There were several problems with alchemy, as seen from today's standpoint. There was no systematic naming system for new compounds, and the language was esoteric and vague to the point that the terminologies meant different things to different people. In fact, according to The Fontana History of Chemistry (Brock, 1992):
The language of alchemy soon developed an arcane and secretive technical vocabulary designed to conceal information from the uninitiated. To a large degree, this language is incomprehensible to us today, though it is apparent that readers of Geoffery Chaucer's Canon's Yeoman's Tale or audiences of Ben Jonson's The Alchemist were able to construe it sufficiently to laugh at it.[7]
Chaucer's tale exposed the more fraudulent side of alchemy, especially the manufacture of counterfeit gold from cheap substances. Soon after Chaucer, Dante Alighieri also demonstrated an awareness of this fraudulence, causing him to consign all alchemists to the Inferno in his writings. Soon after, in 1317, the Avignon Pope John XXII ordered all alchemists to leave France for making counterfeit money. A law was passed in England in 1403 which made the "multiplication of metals" punishable by death. Despite these and other apparently extreme measures, alchemy did not die. Royalty and privileged classes still sought to discover the philosopher's stone and the elixir of life for themselves.
There was also no agreed-upon scientific method for making experiments reproducible. Indeed many alchemists included in their methods irrelevant information such as the timing of the tides or the phases of the moon. The esoteric nature and codified vocabulary of alchemy appeared to be more useful in concealing the fact that they could not be sure of very much at all. As early as the 14th century, cracks seemed to grow in the facade of alchemy; and people became sceptical.[citation needed] Clearly, there needed to be a scientific method where experiments can be repeated by other people, and results needed to be reported in a clear language that laid out both what is known and unknown.
ReSdUnG InfO
PeTuA HaRi InI
Resdung 1
Petua Resdung yang paling mudah dan berkesan ialah dengan mengamalkan menyedut air ke dalam hidung (seperti sebelum kita ber wuduk).Kemudian picit sebelah hidung dan hembuskan sekuat hati. Buatlah berulang-ulang kali sehingga selesai kedua-duanya. Selepas itu basuhlah muka dengan bersih. Lakukan ini setiap kali setelah sampai ke satu-satu destinasi, baik ke pejabat,bersantai, beriadah atau pulang ke rumah malah ke mana saja. Kesannya sungguh menakjubkan.
Resdung 2
Setengah orang baik lelaki mahupun wanita ada antaranya menghadapi masalah bila bangun pagi selalu bersin yang sukar untuk diberhentikan. Maksudnya bersin tidak pernah berlaku sekali dua sahaja, sebaliknya beberapa kali hingga menimbulkan masalah pada anda. Untuk mengatasi masalah ini terlalu mudah iaitu dengan memasukkan air dingin (sejuk) kedalam hidung anda. Kemudian anda tumpahkan keluar semula. Ulangi beberapa kali nescaya bersin anda akan hilang.
Resdung 3
Ambil isi terung kemal dan amalkan memakannya atau ambil daun kacang kayu kemudian jemur sehingga kering dan dibuat hisap seperti rokok.Boleh juga amalkan mencium bunga daun bawang merah sentiasa.
Resdung 4
Hiris tiga biji bawang merah. Ambil dua helai daun sirih dan secubit biji sawi. Masukkan ke dalam bekas bersama air mendidih. Kemudian wapkan ke muka anda. Amalkan selalu.
Resdung 5
Resdung di muka - Wapkan wajah dengan air rebusan jintan hitam.
Resdung 6
Akar bunga melur boleh di jadikan penawar resdung.Cabut Pokok ni dan keringkan akarnya. Lepas tu bakar dan hidu akarnya,bagi pesakit resdung akan berasa pedas pada hidung masa hidu akar pokok ni. Mata juga rasa pedih dalam masa yang sama. Amalkan beberapa kali dan boleh lihat kesannya lepas tu. Selain akar melur pokok bunga raya juga ada khasiat yang sama.
Resdung 7
DAUN pisang kelat amat berguna bagi memulihkan penyakit resdung. Daun pisang kelat ini di katakan mempunyai khasiat yang boleh membunuh kuman serta memulihkan rongga pernafasan. Cara memproses untuk di jadikan ubat adalah dengan mengeringkan daun ini selama beberapa hari sebelum di jadikan rokok daun atau di panggil rokok resdung. Asap yang di sedut dari rokok itu masuk ke saluran pernafasan bagi membasmi segala kuman yang berada di dalam hidung. Khasiat asap daun pisang kelat ini bukan saja membunuh kuman malah ia juga akan mengering dan memulihkan lapisan dalam hidung yang di dapati rasa gatal atau berair. Walau baunya agak keras tetapi mujarab untuk penyakit jenis ini. Manakala mereka yang tidak merokok pula terdapat cara kedua, Bakarkan daun pisang kelat itu ke dalam bekas sambil menutupnya. Apabila api yang membakar daun itu mulai padam hendaklah membuka penutupnya dan anda akan saksikan asap-asap daun itu berkepul-kepul keluar. Hendaklah menyedut asap-asap tersebut beberapa kali sehingga anda berasa lega.
LaWak SenSasi..huhu
Kisah benar... .bacelahh sampai habisss... . |
Kisah benar... .bacelahh sampai habisss... . Beberapa tahun lepas Ramli jumpa seorang janda bernama Ramlah yang mempunyai anak dara bernama Jamilah. Ramli berkahwin dengan Ramlah danJamilah adalah anak tiri Ramli. Selepas itu bapa kepada Ramli, Jamrud berkahwin dengan anak tiri Ramli, Jamilah. Ini membuatkan Jamilah, mak tiri kepada Ramli yang sebelum ini anak tirinya. Jadi ayah Ramli, Jamrud adalah anak tiri Ramli dan memjadikan Ramlah sebagai Mak Mertua kepada Bapak Mertuanya. selang beberapa bulan kemudian, Jamilah anak kepada isteri Ramli, Ramlah melahirkan anak lelaki, Jarul. Jadi Jarul dalah adik kepada Ramli. Tetapi Jarul adalah anak kepada Jamilah, anak kepada isteri Ramli, Ramlah. Menjadikan Jarul adalah cucu kepada isteri Ramli, Ramlah. Sekaligus menjadikan Ramli datuk kepada Jarul, adiknya. Itu tak seberapa lagi. Selepas itu, Ramli dan Ramlah mendapat anak bernama Jayzee. Sekarang Jamilah, anak tiri Ramli dan juga Mak mertua Ramli menjadi kakak dan juga nenek kepada Jayzee. Jadi ayah Ramli, Jamrud menjadi abang ipar kepada anak Ramli yang mana kakak ipar Jayzee adalah isteri kepada ayah Ramli, Jadi sekarang, Ramli adalah abang ipar kepada emak mertuanya, isteri Ramli, Ramlah adalah makcik kepada anaknya sendiri, Jamilah... Anak Ramli, Jarul adalah sepupu kepada ayah Ramli, Jamrud dan Ramli adalah datuk kepada dirinya sendiri... muahahahahahahahhahaha... .isk isk isk... .. nennooo nennooo..neenooo..nenoooo.. phewiiittttt tebabooooooooooo.. aku pening... .... aku sindirik naik fening menterjemahkan semua nih..bengang sehhh... !!
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pak kasim seorang yg tamak harta.. dia menawarkan anak dara suntinya yg cun melecun kepada golongan yg kaya raya sahaja.. suatu hari datang la seman, seorang usahawan muda ingin melamar anak pak kasim. beliau cukup sifat tanpa cacat cela tetapi beliau malas solat. setelah 3 hari berkahwin.. seman masih duk kat umah mentuanya. setelah azan maghrib berkumandang..pak kasim mengajak seman utk solat maghrib berjamaah. seman gelabah.. sebelum ini dia tak pernah solat. lalu seman masuk ke bilik untuk menemui isterinya. "yang.. camner ni.. abg tak penah solat ni" "takpe bang.. abg ikut je ape yg ayah buat" isterinya berbisik perlahan.. seman pun keluar untuk solat bersama pak kasim. setelah pak kasim takbir.. seman ikut takbir...lalu pak kasim membaca surah alfatihah.. "bismillahirrahmanirrahim..." seman pun turut membaca bismillah dengan lantang... "bismillahirrahmanirrahim..." aisyh! pelik menantu aku ni. mazhab mana yg dia ikut? setahu aku imam je yg baca kuat.. getus hati pak kasim.. pak kasim buat selamba. dia terus membaca surah al-fatihah. seman pun turut membaca surah al-fatihah dgn kuat seolah-olah seorang budak yg baru nak belajar mengaji. pak kasim pelik.. lalu dia terus berpaling ke belakang utk melihat seman. seman turut berpaling ke belakang kerana mengikut gerak langkah pak kasim. "ish! gila ke menantu aku ni??" pak kasim berjalan ke depan utk menjauhkan diri dari seman. seman turut berjalan ke depan mengikut langkah pak kasim. pak kasim terus melarikan diri melalui pintu depan dan terus menuju ke sawah di tepi rumahnya. seman terus berlari mengejar pak kasim sampai ke tepi sawah. tiba-tiba pak kasim tergelincir lalu jatuh ke dalam sawah padi. seman pun turut menjatuhkan badannya ke dalam sawah seolah-olah tergelincir. pak kasim pun terus bertanya kepada seman. "seman. apesal yg ko ikut aku sampai ke sawah ni?" "ayah.. susah ye nak solat maghrib ni. baru saya tau. sampai kena berlari.." |

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A grEat Time To RememBer Vs A WallK to Remember
Sumething like u know this tItle, Right?hehe..ya of course..this title same like a love moVie..but this is my sweet moment not a movie like wut u all think about..(try to write in English..dont angry ya)!! Now..nak cakap bahasa Melayu plak...sbb aq ni bangsa melaYu..saje-saje je td teSting Speking LonDOn..huhu..
Ape yg nak aq kongsikn ni..bkn la sesuatu yg asing bg pasangan yg bercinta..huhu..Aq bknla jenis org yg romantik..atau jenis yang selalu nak melakukn sesuatu perKara yg 'SUrPriSe' I'm wish My future Husband Can be A GrEat RomantiCaL HUsBand..ahaks...
Al-kisahnya..21Hb February 2009..xdisangka-sangka..'dia' dtg..padahal aritu ari Sabtu..(dlm Fikiran aQ..bukan ke dia keje esk) upeNya..kedatngn 'dia' tu ad rancngn yg aq xtau..huhu..'dia' dh berpakat ngan atie upenya..KOrang nak tau mane perkara ni terKanToi dipenGetaHuan aq?..Aq terbaca Msg dia yg dia Bagi kt atiela..rumaTe aq Tu..isk..musykil2..
AYAT ATIE(dlm msg tu la):atuk dtgla minggu ni..kTorg nak Bt dlm Minggu Ni.. mcm tula lbh kurang msg mektie tu..Aq dh muLa dpt Agk ape sbnRnya maksud msg aq bt dek jek..asl la si dia ni rajin sgt la dtg ari sabtu upenya aDa uDang dIsebalik dia bwk la aq jln2..smpai nk Ptg..dia ajAk aq mkn..mmG ngah lapo wakTu tu..mkn speggeti je dlm kete sblm Pg mkn kt mane ntah..Lpas mkn aq raSe nak balik la..mandi ke...salin baju k..